Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Again I have detected a spirit of discouragement and fear in our people. And again I must tell you not to fear for God has it all in His hands, and His will will be done. Some are saying that the Judeo-Christian churches are not warning our people against the enemy, and they are right.

Now who or what is this enemy, you ask? Could this enemy be those children of the Serpent who have gotten prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments (which used to grace the halls of our learning centers) out of our schools? Since they �claim� to be �God�s Chosen People� (or the �Chosenites� as some Judeo-Christians call them) why are they so opposed to prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments? Is this not the very same enemy who is at the root of drugs and pornography? The same enemy behind most cults, the occult, and witchcraft? The same enemy which is at the root of the scourge of communism which has murdered untold HUNDREDS OF MILLION OF WHITE, CHRISTIAN ISRAELITES (not to mention millions of other people)? The same enemy that has torn down our Christian institutions and way of life, outlawed the Bible and prayer in the public places of our land? The same enemy that has destroyed the Christian, moral principles upon which our nation was founded, and replaced them with socialism, humanism, new age and eastern mysticism, Satanism, mass-scale immorality, laws which encourage crime and discourage integrity, attitudes which promote rebellion against God and all �true� authority, and the mockery of all that is holy? Could this enemy be those who have outlawed the commands of God�s Word against sin and who have �legalized� adultery, miscegenation (mixed marriages), homosexuality, prostitution. (Prostitution, by the way, is legal in many White Christian nations; though it is illegal on �paper� here in the United States, it is rampant and the laws themselves which have been passed {laws which replace and oppose God�s Laws} make prostitution unstoppable; prostitution is not meant to be eradicated, but used to demoralize and infect our people, and used as a political tool for blackmail, in actuality, the way the enemies of our land have twisted the law, prostitution is meant to be outlawed �only for the common man; the powerful politicians and corporate executives who make the laws are the biggest supporters and solicitors of prostitutes. However, some have even tried to legalize prostitution so they can get their hand in the money which is involved. To get a glimpse of the depths of the moral sludge which has seized the reigns of our nation, see �Trance Formation of America� by Mark Philips and Cathy O�Brien which laws bare the �government� perverse MK-Ultra Project. Further, prostitution is perfectly legal for the Zionist controlled Hollywood. What other name can be used to describe someone who sleeps their Way to the top {in return for financial reward}, and gets paid to jump in bed on film with whoever their pimp {agent} attracts for them? Prostitute!), pornography, and the murder of millions unborn White Babies (even as their ancestor Herod did).

The Scriptures clearly warn us against going in and cohabiting with prostitutes: �And BEHELD AMONG THE SIMPLE ONES, I DISCERNED AMONG THE YOUTHS, A YOUNG MAN VOID OF UNDERSTANDING, Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house, In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night: And, BEHOLD, THERE MET HIM A WOMAN WITH THE ATTIRE OF AN HARLOT, AND SUBTIL OF HEART. (She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house: Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.) So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him, I have peace offerings with me; this day have I payed my vows. Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee. I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves. For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey: He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed. With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. HE GOETH AFTER HER STRAIGHTWAY, AS AN OX GOETH TO THE SLAUGHTER, OR AS A COOL TO THE CORRECTION OF THE STOCKS; Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life. Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth. LET NOT THINE HEART DECLINE TO HER WAYS, GO NOT ASTRAY IN HER PATHS. FOR SHE HATH CAST DOWN MANY WOUNDED, YEA, MANY STRONG MEN HAVE BEEN SLAIN BY HER. HER HOUSE IS THE WAY TO HELL, GOING DOWN TO THE CHAMBERS OF DEATH.� (Proverbs 7:7‑27)

Is this enemy the same people who have subverted our Constitutional Republic and made us second-class citizens in our own country; legalizing the mass-scale immigration of non-white, heathen peoples into our lands to make us few in number, cause mass-scale blood-mixing, weaken our economy, infest us with their diseases and immorality, and to bring their pagan gods and temples and philosophies of devils to our soil? Could this be the same enemy who has outlawed Biblical segregation and devised �hate crime laws,� desegregation, forced busing, anti-discrimination laws, affirmative action and other ways of persecuting godly people? Could this be the same enemy who now controls our economy, government, education, organized religion, and media? Could this be the same enemy who steals the hard working American�s wages through multiple forms of Local, State and federal taxes, social security, union dues, bogus pension plans and other forms of government and corporate theft? Money which is then misappropriated, absconded, or embezzled? Money which is used for all sorts of immoral ills, and to line the pockets of the �chosen few?� Money which is given to foreign enemies at the rate of hundreds of billions of dollars a year? Money given in handouts to the worthless enemies in our own land at the rate of hundreds of millions dollar a year? While hardly a penny ever goes to support the true American people who pay the taxes? Could this enemy be the very ones who have hidden and distorted the truth of history and race? The enemy who has plans for the destruction of all white, Christian peoples and world domination? Could this be the powerful enemy over whom God has given us power and authority? I say yes! A thousand times Yes.

Who could this enemy (beast/antichrist) be? For those still in blindness, see Romans 9:6; 1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7; Revelation 2:9; 3:9.

The more we know of the evil in the world, especially the evil works of those who aspire to control us; the enemy that the clergy of Judeo-Christianity is afraid to tell you about because it is not politically correct, or have sold us out to the antichrist enemy, the more our people are tempted to fear and worry. In times past we only heard about wars, revolution and natural disasters long after they had happened. Today, through modern technology, we are at the scene of such things every day. Except those which the powers that be don�t want us to see, such as the fires in southern Mexico in mid 1998. They show us what is happening in Honduras every day, but they never showed us what was �really� happening in Mexico. In fact, the news media, especially television, have become fear-mongers, spreading the disease of fear and anxiety, creating for millions of our people anxiety about heart disease, cancer, financial insecurity, personal safety, and impending catastrophe.

Suicide among young people is common, and one of the principle causes is their fear of the future. They are bombarded at school with false reports of the environmentalists, and are told that we may all die of air pollution, acid rain, global heating, overpopulation, flesh-eating bacteria, and on and on.

A few decades ago the fear-mongers were preaching nuclear war, and today they are peaching terrorism. Judeo-Christian evangelists, especially the TV preachers, love to take the scary scenes found in the book of Revelation and apply them to current events, with predictions of horror about to be unleashed upon us. They even had President Reagan convinced that Armageddon, with unimaginable carnage and devastation, was just around the corner. (We are already engaged in Armageddon, spiritual warfare with the antichrists who control a vast amount of the news media and the financial system as well as the government).

There is good reason to believe that our nation may already be feeling the strokes of God�s judgment, and this should instill fear in the unrepentant. However, the God who judges is the same God who sustains and nourishes His Israel people, the White Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred peoples of the world. Just as ancient Israel was being warned of judgment, Yahweh�s word to His true servants was: �Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.� (Isaiah 41:10)

Anxiety is a great modern plague which grips the hearts of millions in fearfulness; fear of the world, fear of one�s health, fear of failure and fear of the future. Fear destroys faith, silences testimony, stunts growth, aborts plans, delays actions, and keeps millions from moving forward in Christian living. Fear is a deadly enemy of the faith.

God does not intend for us to live in fear; �For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness, but of power and love and discipline.� (2 Timothy 1:7). The question is: How do we overcome fear in order to claim God�s faith. It is easy enough to say, �Have no fear, Don�t worry.� Some say that that fear is displaced by courage. Not so. Many a soldier has courageously gone into the thick of battle, all the while filled with fear. One may be courageous and still be fearful.

God has given us the formula to overcome fear, and it has worked for His people through the centuries, and will still work today. Terror is not something new. Sin and evil have been with us since the first family. The first generation of Christians faced formidable foes. The religious establishment sought to destroy them; they faced the terror of the Caesars, and the impending destruction of Jerusalem.

So what was their formula? What did they do to overcome fear? They GAVE THANKS! That seems entirely too simple; but our God delights in using simple things to confound the wise. Instead of formulating some dramatic and complicated step-by-step program to overcome fear, He simply tells us to give thanks in all things.� �In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus, toward you.� (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

This doesn�t say to give thinks FOR all things. For many things are evil and opposed to God and His purpose. God is not the author of such things, and to think Him would be out of place. But in every situation, we are still children of God, loved by God, blessed with the presence of His spirit, upheld by His mercy, and assured of the blessed hope of eternal life.

Paul wrote that the power and divinity of God are clearly seen through things that are made, so that man is without excuse, �because that, knowing God, they glorified him not as God, neither gave thanks,� but became vain in their reasoning and extremely corrupt and vile. �Neither gave thanks!� To give thanks is to affirm that God is Creator, that we are part of His creation and His great plan for mankind. It is to acknowledge that He has a purpose and that His children are the objects of that purpose.

When we give thanks to God we are aware of His presence. Fear not dwell in the mind that is fully conscious of the presence of Yahweh, nor in the heart that overflows with thanksgiving. When we pray, we do so in the name of Jesus, because God has given all authority to Him. The idea promoted by many, that Satan is in control of the world is refuted each time we give thanks to God the Father.

Whatever is giving us problems or pain at the moment is not hidden from Him, and in fact may be used by Him for the purpose of fitting us for the role we are to play in the great drama He is producing and directing. Does the prospect of illness cause fear? We are all terminal. Paul did not say that he was thankful for his �thorn in the flesh� whatever physical affliction that was, but he rejoiced that it made him depend more on the power of Christ. (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)

Every problem, including illness, should draw one closer to the Father. Someone may say, �But what if you were diagnosed with cancer?� I know a man who would say that he has been there and done that; twice, and even now is dealing with it, while giving thanks for each day that he has to draw closer to God and do his work. At 78 he has already gone 8 years beyond the allotted three-score and 10, and each day is another gift of life in which to press toward the goal of godliness. Good reason to give thanks.

Many live in fear of an economic collapse with a great depression to follow. But has the economic boom and high material standards of the past 50 years really improved our lives and made us happy? Obviously not. God says to seek the old ways: �Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ASK FOR THE OLD PATHS, WHERE IS THE GOOD WAY, AND WALK THEREIN, AND YE SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. But they said, We will not walk therein. Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken. Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them. Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it.� (Jeremiah 6:16‑19)

Therefore, all these so-called improvements has resulted in gross immorality, crime, deep anxieties, depression, and deterioration of values. We are thankful that we lived through the past 60 years, the lessons we learned about integrity and appreciation of true values have been largely missed by the present generation.

When we start out on a trip, do we fear an automobile wreck or that the plane will crash? No, we start out giving thanks for God�s presence, knowing that He is with us every mile of the way. How could one say, �Thank you Father, for being with me on this trip, but I�m afraid of what might happen during your presence?� If we are honest about God�s abiding presence, we will not fear the possibilities, for He can handle them.

Under the worst circumstances, the giving of thanks brings to our minds the fact that god has gone to the very limit to save us from sin and death. Paul wrote: �He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?� (Romans 8:32) He gave His only Son to die in shame, to meet the penalty for sin, then He raised Him from the dead and made him Lord of heaven and earth. �There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.� (Romans 8:1) Free from sin, guilt and condemnation. Free from fear. Thank God!

As mentioned earlier, we are all terminal; we are mortal. Immortality is yet to be conferred, in the day of resurrection; giving thanks to god for the hope of that immortality will turn one�s focus from earth, with all its hazards and fears, to the assurance and comfort of God; from the dismal sorrows of the world to the joys and glories of the Kingdom of Christ.

Soren Kierkegaard once wrote in a devotion: �To you, Lord Jesus Christ: we pray that you will draw us entirely to you...if only you will draw us, then indeed all is won, even if, humanly speaking, we win nothing; and nothing is los, even if, humanly speaking, we lose everything.�

Rest assured that they will be destroyed for God has said it and it is done.

�Wherefore it shall come to pass, that when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon mount Zion and on Jerusalem, I WILL PUNISH THE FRUIT OF THE STOUT HEART...AND THE GLORY OF HIS HIGH LOOKS. For he saith, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I HAVE REMOVED THE BOUNDS OF THE PEOPLE (caused the heathen of the world to move to parts of the earth that God never intended for them to move to), AND HAVE ROBBED THEIR (Israel) TREASURES, AND I HAVE PUT DOWN THE INHABITANTS LIKE A VALIANT MAN (the Jews are not mighty fighters, they only appear so because of the strength of the Israel people whom they control through their traitorous agents): And MY HAND HATH FOUND AS A NEST THE RICHES OF THE PEOPLE (the Israel People): and AS ONE GATHERETH EGGS THAT ARE LEFT, HAVE I GATHERED ALL THE EARTH (the Jews have or the children of Satan have gathered riches from all over the earth); and THERE WAS NONE THAT MOVED THE WING, OR OPENED THE MOUTH, OR PEEPED (none of the watchmen in the Judeo-Christian churches uttered a word of warning against these evil ones). Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood. THEREFORE SHALL THE LORD, THE LORD OF HOSTS, SEND AMONG HIS FAT ONES LEANNESS, AND UNDER HIS GLORY HE SHALL KINDLE A BURNING LIKE THE BURNING OF A FIRE. AND THE LIGHT OF ISRAEL SHALL BE FOR A FIRE, AND HIS HOLY ONE FOR A FLAME, AND IT SHALL BURN AND DEVOUR HIS THORNS AND HIS BRIERS IN ONE DAY (the Jews and their bootlicks will be destroyed - the second witness is in Obadiah 1:18); And shall consume the glory of his forest, and of his fruitful field, both soul and body: and they shall be as when a standard-bearer fainteth. And THE REST OF THE TREES (men) OF HIS FOREST SHALL BE FEW (there will be none of the Jews left for all they will be destroyed and few of their agents will be left. They will be so few that even children will not be afraid of them), THAT A CHILD MAY WRITE THEM. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob,� shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. THE REMNANT SHALL RETURN, EVEN THE REMNANT OF JACOB, UNTO THE MIGHTY GOD. For THOUGH THY PEOPLE ISRAEL BE AS THE SAND OF THE SEA, YET A REMNANT OF THEM SHALL RETURN (here God is showing us that even though there are countless Israelites, there will be only a few which will accomplish His will): the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness. For the Lord GOD of hosts shall make a consumption, even determined, in the midst of all the land. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt. For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction. And the LORD of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb (�And the men of Israel gathered themselves together out of Naphtali, and out of Asher, and out of all Manasseh, and pursued after the Midianites. And Gideon sent messengers throughout all mount Ephraim, saying, Come down against the Midianites, and take before them the waters unto Beth‑barah and Jordan. Then all the men of Ephraim gathered themselves together, and took the waters unto Beth‑barah and Jordan. And they took two princes of the Midianites, Oreb and Zeeb; and they slew Oreb upon the rock Oreb, and Zeeb they slew at the winepress of Zeeb, and pursued Midian, and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon on the other side Jordan.� (Judges 7:23‑25)): and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt. And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.� (Isaiah 10:12‑27)

For the second witness Obadiah 1:18 relates: �And THE HOUSE OF JACOB SHALL BE A FIRE, AND THE HOUSE OF JOSEPH A FLAME, AND THE HOUSE OF ESAU FOR STUBBLE, AND THEY SHALL KINDLE IN THEM, AND DEVOUR THEM (in the Jews), AND THERE SHALL NOT BE ANY REMAINING OF THE HOUSE OF ESAU (there will be no Jews left, for ALL will be destroyed. Esau is in modern Jewry, so says the Jewish Encyclopedia); for the LORD hath spoken it.�

We should relate here so that it is more clear that; Israel (the White Peoples of the world) are God�s ONLY chosen race, and His ONLY servant people. Some people in the Israel community who may be fearful of God�s enemies and the evil �government� (under the control of the Jews - WM), are eager to disassociate themselves from all others in the Israel community who use certain phrases or words that are violatile and which draw persecution (words like �white,� �master race,� �supremacy,� etc.). In obvious confusion (which always accompanies fear, neither of which came from God) some people will try and go to the other extreme and suggest that the White Race, Israel, is certainly �not� the superior race; for they are the servant race. If anything, they say, we are equals. THIS IS IDIOCY. Yes, WE ARE THE SERVANT RACE, but a servant of whom? WE (the White Race) ARE GOD�S SERVANT; NOT THE SERVANT OF THE OTHER RACES OF THE WORLD (for this itself is expressly forbidden). God chose Israel from among all the peoples of the world and elevated, exalted, predestined, redeemed, saved, died for, and blessed her far beyond imagination; and her ALONE. Israel is the ONLY people whom God has sanctified and made holy, the ONLY race whose bloodlines have been preserved impunity, the ONLY race to whom God gave His Word and His Spirit with all POWER and AUTHORITY. Israel is the ONLY people whom God has chosen to be the ministers and administrators of His Law, Worship, Praise, and Glory. However, (as He promised) through Israel, God HAS blessed the entire earth.

Yes, Israel is a servant, but NOT hopelessly a servant to sin (like all the other races). Israel is a servant of righteousness; the servant of God Himself. Each (called by God) Christian/Israelite is a Priest before God, and a King under the King of kings. Priests and Kings are NOT chosen from among the sickly, the diseased, the maimed, the ignorant, the polluted, or even the common blood. (As the sacrifices attest, because only an animal without blemish was chosen to be sacrificed on the Altar to God - WM) Further, most often, even the kings of the earth do not choose the unsightly, diseased, incompetent, maimed, degenerate, filthy, and base-blooded people to be their servants or eunuchs; they chose, even from among the baser races, the finest that can be found. Though the servant is inferior to the Master; the servant of the King, is himself more noble, esteemed, and �considered superior� to the common people below him who were not chosen to the honorable position. Yes, it is honorable to be the servant of a King. In most of the nations of the world, throughout history, the king has lived in luxury, wealth, and glory, with the finest food, clothing, palace, and comfort; while the common person has sweated and labored in the dirt, earning barely enough to feed his family; they have lived in dirty, tattered, and base hovels scarcely sheltered from the elements, with no luxuries, no comforts, no education, health care, or security; and further, they have often been oppressed by bandits and tax collectors alike. However, he who was chosen to be a servant of the king was lifted above all this, and enjoyed the blessings of living with the king: for a king does not want his servants who is close to him, to live in common with the other people in filth, disease, and in the company of the basest of people whose ill manners may rub off on his servant. Of course the servant is inferior TO THE KING, BUT HE IS FAR SUPERIOR TO THOSE WHO ARE NOT CHOSEN.� (The War Between The Children of Light and The Powers of Darkness, Robert Alan Balaicius, pp. 489-490).

So if you are a White Man or Woman be proud that you are a child of the King, the King of the Universe, our Savior and our King. As we give thanks to God, He draws us closer to Himself and farther form the reach of the evil one and his children, closer to His image and farther from the world�s fashion, closer to final victory and farther from the danger of defeat. IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS, �For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power, and of love and discipline.� �THANKS BE TO GOD, WHO GIVE US THE VICTORY THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.� (1 Corinthians 15:57) (Taken in part from The Witness, P.O. Box 292663, Lewisville, Texas 75029, Curtis Dickinson, Editor, (972) 219-2277)

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